Operation Clearwater – Water Quality as of 6/12

We had very little precipitation this past week so enjoy the water this weekend before the rain starts on Monday!

On Wednesday, June 12th, Arundel Rivers Federation staff and volunteers collected water samples at the locations on the chart. The data from Wednesday shows low bacteria levels, however the rain from yesterday has probably increased the count. Be careful if you plan to spend your weekend out on the South River! Enjoy your activities this weekend and stay safe!


Feces from waterfowl and dogs, as well as leaky septic tanks are the top contributors to high bacteria results. Our staff and volunteers found minimal amount of feces at all the beaches tested, which would in part explain the low bacteria levels this week.

Don’t forget, Anne Arundel County has a 48 hour no swimming/recreational guidance of water ways after a rain event.

Have a safe and wonderful weekend,

Jesse Iliff,
South Riverkeeper
Jeff Holland,
West/Rhode Riverkeeper


Sarah Giordano

Environmental Scientist

Arundel Rivers Federation

Our Rivers need your support! Protect your local waterways by making a gift to the Arundel Rivers Federation today.

Arundel Rivers Federation was formed in January 2019 due to the combination of South River Federation and West & Rhode Riverkeeper. 

Operation Clearwater – Water Quality as of 6/4/19

Hello and Happy Friday!

It seems this week we have gotten a bit of a break from the rain.  This weekend is forecasted to be storm-free until Sunday!
On Wednesday, June 4th, Arundel Rivers Federation staff collected water samples at the locations listed on the chart. From looking at the data, it seems that you’ll be able to take advantage of the beautiful weather at 8/12 beaches (eight had acceptable bacteria levels). However, four beaches, including Glen Isle, Hillsmere Beach, Hillsmere Marina Beach, and Cape Anne Marina, did have high bacteria levels.
Feces from waterfowl and dogs, as well as leaky septic tanks are the top contributors to high bacteria results. We noticed a decent flock of geese (around 30 individuals) swimming nearby Hillsmere Marina last Wednesday, which may have contributed to the bacteria levels. A large amount of goose feces was also observed at the Glen Isle Beach.
Don’t forget, Anne Arundel County has a 48 hour no swimming/recreational guidance of water ways after a rain event. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Sarah (contact info below).
Have a safe and wonderful weekend,
Jesse Iliff,
South Riverkeeper
Jeff Holland,
West/Rhode Riverkeeper


Sarah Giordano

Environmental Scientist

Arundel Rivers Federation

Our Rivers need your support! Protect your local waterways by making a gift to the Arundel Rivers Federation today.

Arundel Rivers Federation was formed in January 2019 due to the combination of South River Federation and West & Rhode Riverkeeper. 

Arundel Rivers Federation Operation Clearwater – 5/22/19 Water Quality Report

Hello and Welcome to Operation Clearwater! Memorial Day weekend is off to a great start! All beaches exhibited bacteria levels that were within acceptable levels for recreational water activities. However, Read More

Hello and Welcome to Operation Clearwater!

Memorial Day weekend is off to a great start! All beaches exhibited bacteria levels that were within acceptable levels for recreational water activities.

However, please keep in mind that samples were collected on Wednesday, prior to the large rainstorm on Thursday that dropped almost 0.5 inches of rain within about an hour. The precipitation washes pollutants from the surrounding watershed into the waterways and may increase bacteria levels of the water.

Anne Arundel County has a 48 hour no swimming/recreational guidance of water ways after a rain event.

On Wednesday, May 22nd, Arundel Rivers Federation staff collected water samples at the locations listed on the chart.  Feces from geese and dogs, as well as leaky septic tanks are the top contributors to high bacteria results. The acceptable concentration of Enterococci bacteria for swimming and other direct water contact is less than 104 (cfu) colony forming units/100ml.

Have a safe and wonderful weekend,

Jesse Iliff, South Riverkeeper

Jeff Holland, West/Rhode Riverkeeper

Arundel Rivers Federation, Edgewater, MD

Notice of Participation in MDA Mosquito Control Program

As published in our April 2019 newsletter,  Hillsmere will once again be participating in the Maryland Department of Agriculture’s Mosquito Control ProgramRegular surveillance and control of adult mosquitoes will take place from May 29 to October 1, anytime between 7:00 pm to 2:30 am, Sunday through Thursday nights (a night of the week will be assigned to us).  Spraying for adult mosquitoes will be done only if a Maryland Department of Agriculture Employee determines it necessary.  Spraying will not be conducted during rain, in wind speeds exceeding 12 mph, or temperatures above 89 degrees F.  Most residents support this program; however, if you prefer to opt-out of spraying at your property, you can elect not to participate.

Residents who wish their properties to be excluded from adult mosquito control services must notify the Maryland Department of Agriculture and the community association by submitting a completed exemption form.  Click the following to download:

Please note that ULV spray treatment of adult tiger mosquitoes is most effective when conducted in conjunction with community cleanup efforts.  The effective way to control mosquitoes is at the community level.  We encourage home owners to be proactive in their efforts to control mosquitoes by becoming aware of backyard breeding sites.