
The Hillsmere Pool is located on Harbor Drive. It is a 5-lane Olympic style pool with a diving well and a separate children’s pool. The pool house has restrooms, showers, and changing facilities. The property outside the pool area has a volleyball net, tether ball and ample green space for other activities. The pool is a wonderful gathering place for families to relax and socialize. It is home to the famous Hillsmere Hammerheads swim team.

The Pool facility is open every day from the Saturday prior to Memorial Day through Labor Day.

Pool opening and closing hours may be extended by the HSIA Board of Directors for HSIA sponsored or sanctioned events or activities. Under no circumstances will the pool operate prior to 7 a.m. or after 11 p.m. Operation of the pool before the Saturday prior to Memorial Day or after Labor Day may be approved by the Board of Directors. All operating procedures must be followed during extended hours of operation or an extended season.

Hillsmere Shores sponsors the Hillsmere Hammerheads swim team. There will be instances when the pool will be open late or close early to pool members due to swim team activities. The dates/hours will be posted at the pool, on the pool calendar and/or emailed to members.

Comments or suggestions? Email
[email protected]


Pool Pic
baby pool


Hillsmere Shores Pool Operating Rules

– Updated February 2025


We are a Community Pool. Members’ and guests’ language, attire, and behavior should be appropriate for a family environment. The Pool is for everyone’s enjoyment. Please respect the rights of others.

HSIA has entered a contract with an independent pool management company, which delegated to that company the responsibility of maintaining and managing the pool during regular pool hours and special events staffed by the pool management company.

The lifeguards and pool managers, who are agents of the pool management company, will enforce these operating rules. Failure to observe and obey these rules or to comply with the lifeguard or pool manager’s interpretations of them will result in suspension of a member’s or guest’s pool use for the day. Repeated or serious violations may result in loss of membership without a refund.


  • All persons using the pool or pool area do so at their own risk and sole responsibility. HSIA and the pool management company assume no responsibility for any accident, injury, loss, damage, or theft of personal property.
  • No one is allowed on pool premises except authorized personnel unless a lifeguard is on duty.
  • Entry into the pool is permitted at the lifeguard’s discretion. Members and guests must check in at the guards desk upon entering the pool area.
  • No cutoffs, trousers, shorts, jeans, socks, or street shoes may be worn in the pool.
  • Only Coast Guard-approved flotation devices, with the exception of noodles, may be permitted at the lifeguard’s discretion.
  • No access to the pool office or equipment room is permitted without the express permission of the lifeguard.
  • Pool users are responsible for all personal property brought to the pool. Personal property left over 72 hours will be disposed of.
  • A limited number of trash and recycling containers are provided onsite, but members are urged to “Carry In, Carry Out” whenever possible.


  • Parents, guardians and caregivers are responsible for the safety and behavior of their children at all times.
  • An adult-only swim period is scheduled for 15 minutes each hour. During adult swim, all persons under 16 must be completely clear of the pool and the immediate surrounding area. Rafts may be permitted at the lifeguard’s discretion during adult swim.
  • Children under 3 and any child not toilet-trained are prohibited in the main pool.


  • Lifeguards do not monitor the wading pool. An adult or caregiver must always accompany all children in the enclosure.
  • Any child not toilet trained must wear a swim diaper covered by tight-fitting swimsuits in the wading pool.
  • Only children under seven may use the wading pool unless they are with their siblings and parents.


  • A non-swimmer is anyone under 16 who cannot pass the swim test.
  • Non-swimmers may not come to the pool without supervision.
  • When using the pool, the adult or caregiver must be engaged and within arm’s reach of their non-swimmer.
  • For the safety of non-swimmers, non-swimmers who are not adequately supervised will be asked to exit the water.
  • Children under 11 who have not passed the swim test must be accompanied by an adult or caregiver (15 years or older) while on pool premises.


The swim test consists of swimming the length of the main pool and treading water continuously for one minute.

  • Children under 16 must pass a basic swim test administered by the lifeguard before using the main pool without direct supervision by a parent/guardian or caregiver.
  • Children under 16 who have passed the swim test must always wear their lifeguard-issued wristband when using the pool.
  • Members under 11 who have passed the swim test may be accompanied by a caregiver (13 years or older) while on pool premises.
  • Members aged 11+ who have passed the swim test may come to the pool alone if their parent or guardian signs a Child Attendance Waiver. Children not accompanied by an adult must be familiar with the pool rules and follow the lifeguards’ instructions.



  • The lifeguard may ask disruptive persons or persons suspected of being under the influence to leave the pool premises. Should the need arise, Anne Arundel County Police will be called for assistance.
  • Running, pushing, wrestling, and boisterous behavior are prohibited in the pool. Spouting water and similar unhygienic acts are also prohibited.
  • Failure to follow the rules and the instructions of the lifeguards will result in the following disciplinary actions:


  • 1st written offense in the discipline log – warning letter to parents
  • 2nd written offense in the discipline log – removal from the pool for the day
  • 3rd written offense in discipline log – 1-week suspension, no longer able to use the pool without parental supervision
  • 4th written offense in discipline log – loss of membership for the remainder of summer


  • Verbal warning
  • If a member does not comply with a verbal warning, 1st offense will be logged.
  • 2nd written offense will be logged, a written warning will be provided to the primary member, and the member may be removed from the pool for the day.
  • 3rd written offense will be logged, and membership may be suspended for one week.
  • 4th written offense will be logged, and pending Board approval, membership may be revoked without refund.


  • The pool may be closed for inclement weather, maintenance, or other health and safety reasons as determined by the lifeguard staff. As circumstances permit, notice of such closings will be posted at the gate and announced to the community.
  • Thunderstorms: The pool enclosure must be cleared immediately after the first sound of thunder or lightning. The facility may reopen 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder or lightning.


  • Diving is only permitted in the diving well. Only one person at a time is permitted on the diving board. No back dives or multiple bounces are permitted. Divers must ensure that the previous diver has cleared the diving area. Swimming and games are permitted in the diving area only when the lifeguard closes the diving board.
  • No pets of any kind are permitted in the pool enclosure.
  • One swim lane is continuously reserved for lap swimmers.


  • No glass or breakable containers are permitted on pool premises.
  • No food within 3’ of the pool edge.
  • No smoking or vaping is permitted. Smoking is permitted outside the pool fence and away from the pool entrance.


  • Guests must always be accompanied by the member who registered them as guests.
  • Members may bring guests to the pool using a guest pass.
  • Guest passes may be pre-paid or paid by check at the gate. Make checks payable to HSIA. Lifeguards are not permitted to accept cash.
  • Hillsmere Shores or Black Walnut Cove residents will only be permitted as guests on Tuesdays unless they attend a pre-scheduled private party. All Hillsmere residents are permitted to be guests of the pool on Tuesdays. Hillsmere residents are not permitted to be members’ guests on other days of the week. 
  • To use the party area, you must submit a Pool Party Reservation Application to the HSIA Administrator in advance.
  • Members aged 11-15 who are authorized to come to the pool alone may:
  1. Bring adult (16 years or older) guests following the guest policy.
  2. Bring one guest aged 11-15 daily. The minor guest MUST pass the swim test to be admitted to the pool.



  • You must be a pool member to reserve the party area for a party or host a party at the pool. The party area consists of the concrete area next to the grill.
  • No parties on holidays (Memorial Day, Independence Day & Labor Day)
  • Reservations are for 3 hours (12-3 pm or 4-7 pm) on a first-come, first-served basis. For other hours, contact [email protected] for details.
  • Complete the HSIA Pool Party application. [link to application]

Party Fees:

  • Party fees include:
    • $100.00 location fee for the picnic area
    • $75.00 (refundable) clean-up deposit
  • All fees must be paid in advance to the HSIA Administrator. Make checks payable to HSIA.

Party Reservations:

  • To make a party reservation or check the availability of time slots, call the 24-hour Voice Mail at 410-263-4456 or email [email protected] with the subject “Pool Party Reservation Request.”
  • Pool Party Reservation Application forms are available below.
  • Reservations made by phone or email will be canceled if the signed application and checks are not received within 72 hours after the reservation is made.
  • A party canceled by the host with less than five days’ notice will forfeit the $100 party fee.

Party Size:

  • To use the designated party area, you must make a party reservation.
  • No open invitations (general invitations sent to an unknown or large number of people).
  • Parties over 30 guests require:
    • Pool committee approval
    • Anchor Aquatics pool party application
    • Surcharge to cover the costs of additional lifeguards. Contact [email protected] for details.

Party Expectations:

  • Upon arrival, guests must provide the requested information to the gate attendant. Guests under 16 must follow the rules regarding swim tests.
  • Hosts must make sure all non-member guests leave promptly after the party.
  • No amplified music except for HSIA Board-sanctioned events.
  • The reservation includes the use of the grill. Please share grill space with pool members if requested.
  • Alcohol may be served at parties with the prior approval of the HSIA Board or its representative, and an Anne Arundel County one-day liquor license must be obtained. (One-day liquor license applications must be completed no less than 10 days before the party.)
  • The HSIA Administrator must approve any games, equipment, or activities not provided by HSIA in advance. Special requests may also require the approval of the HSIA Board.
  • Clean-up includes depositing all party trash and recyclables in the outdoor recycling and trash dumpster.

HSIA Pool Operating Rules (updated 02/2025)

HSIA Pool Party Reservation Form & Pool Party Rules

Anchor Aquatics Party Reservation Form

Special Community Benefit District Funds

Admission to or use of the pool facilities will be granted to any Hillsmere property owner consistent with the expenditure of Special Community Benefit District funds for the maintenance, repair or renovation of the pool facility. Admission and use requirements will be determined annually by the HSIA Board of Directors and published in the Sea Breeze.