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HSIA Board Candidate Bio’s, Ballot, and Voting Instructions

All candidates must be residents of the Hillsmere Shores Community and are confirmed to be in good standing and current in their HSIA membership. Ballots are included in the October 2023 issue of the Sea Breeze and are available on our website.

HSIA Candidates for HSIA Board Positions for the 2024-2025 Term Election



Vote By Mail or Drop Box:  If you are unable to attend the November 9th HSIA General Meeting, just follow these simple steps in order to vote by mail:

  • Tear the ballot out of the Sea Breeze or download a copy from the Hillsmere website at
  • Fill out the election ballot. Vote for a maximum of seven candidates. You must include your name, address, signature, and date in the space provided on the ballot.
  • Mail the signed ballot to HSIA, P.O. Box 3485, Annapolis, MD 21403. Or drop the ballot in the HSIA drop box at the community house, 119 Great Lake Drive.  Be sure to mark “Ballot” on the envelope.  All ballots must be received by the close of business Wednesday, November 8.

Vote in Person:  Please note:  If you are voting in person, there is no need to provide your name, address, signature and date on the ballot.  Your ballot will be validated upon arrival.

  • Tear the ballot out of the Sea Breeze, or download a copy from the Hillsmere website at, or pick up a ballot at the meeting.
  • Have your ballot validated upon arrival at the meeting. You DO NOT need to mark your selections before the ballot is validated.
  • Fill out the election ballot. Vote for a maximum of seven candidates.
  • Drop ballots in the ballot box before voting is closed.



HSIA Call for Candidates Deadline – Saturday, September 9th!



Hillsmere Residents —Are you looking for a way to become more involved in what happens in our neighborhood? Please consider running for a position on the HSIA Board of Directors. We are seeking individuals interested in serving on the HSIA Board as an elected Director. Elected candidates will fill seven positions on the HSIA Board of Directors for the 2024 and 2025 two-year term. These leadership positions can be demanding and require active participation on the Board. Candidates must have an interest in making Hillsmere Shores a vibrant community now and into the future.

If you feel you possess the leadership qualities needed and you have the time needed for this position, please submit your nomination. Eligibility for this position is based on having current resident status and are a current member of HSIA. If interested, please email the following information to [email protected] no later than September 9th:

• Statement of intent to run. Include that you are a current member of HSIA.
• Statement of qualifications (BIO).
• Goals and/or vision for the community.
• Committee you are interested in possibly chairing or cochairing. Note that the HSIA President and Board will assign Directors as Chairs/Co-Chairs to any open standing committees.

Those interested in running are encouraged to look over our website at to become more familiar with our Covenants, Bylaws, and Charter.

Candidates will be announced on our website and in the October Sea Breeze. A Meet the Candidates Night in October will be announced later.

Ballots will be available at the November 9th General Meeting, online and in the Sea Breeze. Voting can be in-person at the November 9th General Meeting, by mail postmarked prior to the meeting date, or put in the HSIA community drop box at 119 Great Lake Drive.

Please consider running for a Board of Director position. Your community thanks you!

Helene Raven
HSIA Nominations Chair