Post Archives

HSIA Call for Candidates – Board of Directors Election

Hillsmere Residents —Are you looking for a way to become more involved in what happens in our neighborhood? Please consider running for a position on the HSIA Board of Directors. We are seeking seven people to be elected to the HSIA Board of Directors to serve a two-year term for 2022 & 2023. These seven leadership positions are critical in moving our community forward.

In order to run for a position on the Board of Directors, residents must be current members of HSIA. If you are interested, please email the following information to [email protected] no later than September 11:

  • Statement of intent to run, to include a statement that you are a current member or HSIA
  • Statement of qualifications (bio)
  • Goals and/or vision for the community

Candidates will be announced on our website and in the October Sea Breeze. Ballots will also be available online and in the newsletter. We will let you know when voting will occur, either in person or via email/postal mail. Please consider running for a Board of Director position. Thank you!

HSIA Special Notice – Marina Driveway Closed Monday, 8/16


On Monday August 16th the Marina driveway will be CLOSED TO ALL TRAFFIC from 8 AM to NOON.

The gate contractor will be installing new loop detectors in the paved driveway replacing the automatic exit loop and installing a new safety loop.

Please do not plan any boating, boat maintenance, exercise or dog walking at the Marina during this time. The driveway will be closed. Thank you for your cooperation!