Pool Opening Day – Saturday, May 26

Dig out those goggles and swimsuits – the Hillsmere Shores Pool opens tomorrowMay 26!

Regular Season Operating Hours are Saturday – Thursday11am – 8pm, and Friday11am – 9pm. Visit the Pool page for more information about the pool, including updated rules and pool party reservation forms.

5/10/18 – HSIA General Membership Meeting – Location Change & Beach Committee Presentation

Hillsmere Residents-

Please attend HSIA’s General Membership Meeting tomorrow, 5/10 @ 7PM. Please note, the meeting has been moved from Katharine Hall to the BARN COMMONS at Key School. This is the same location that we host our annual Come And Get It Day, located off Carroll Drive (lower parking lot). Key School campus map found here.

The meeting will include a presentation of the new playground equipment proposed by the Beach Committee. The proposed new piece of equipment would be located in the enclosed sandy area near the large pavilion, next to the swings. A Mini Spacenet (link to product images & information here) will provide opportunities for children ages 2-12 to climb, balance and gather. The three-dimensional rope climbing challenherege provides development of strength and coordination with many safety protections. This Kompan product uses galvanized structural parts and steel core ropes for their unique designs. The cost for the Mini Spacenet, including delivery, installation, and additional sand, is $20,000. This expense has been part of a 2 year plan, and has been budgeted for this fiscal year. Playground equipment is expensive, but yields hours of enjoyment for our youth, as well as developing strength and critical balancing skills.

Please make an effort to attend the meeting, gather facts, and share your opinions. We want to hear from you! You may also contact Marilyn Carpenter, HSIA Board member & Beach Chair via email [email protected]

KOMPAN Mini Spacenet Product Information

Watershed Protection & Restoration Project on Harbor Drive Start Date

Hillsmere Residents – 

Please note, the Anne Arundel County Watershed Protection and Restoration Program (WPRP) Harbor Drive project is scheduled to begin Monday, April 30th.

The HSIA Environmental Committee will hold two (2) information sessions on the project design and construction timeline.

* When: Sunday, April 22nd at 2pm and Tuesday, April 24th at 7pm

* Where: The HSIA Community House @ 119 Great Lake Dr

For details about the project, including existing conditions, drainage map, site plans and Project Manager, please visit the WPRP Hillsmere project site.  To view the original HSIA communication regarding this project, please visit HSIA’s website and search for “bioretention.”

HSIA’s Environmental Committee and resident Watershed Stewards will be monitoring the project and will respond to any neighbors concerns. Residents may contact environment@hillsmereshores.net.


Hillsmere Drive Detour Information

Hillsmere Residents:

From Anne Arundel County Department of Public Works:

“Anne Arundel County Department of Public Works (DPW) will begin working on Hillsmere Drive the week of April 1, 2018 to remove two unhealthy trees located in the County’s right of way. The two trees have been evaluated by a Maryland tree expert and need to be removed for safety purposes.

To complete this important work in the safest and timeliest manner, we will need to reroute traffic in the area. Flagging crews will be onsite to enforce temporary pedestrian and vehicular traffic control measures during the tree removal. Work hours will be Monday – Friday7 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Signs will be posted in affected areas.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this project, please contact James Small, Road Operations Supervisor at Southern District Roads, 410-222-1933.”

REMINDER: Come And Get It Day this Saturday, 2/10

Join us at The Key School (The Barn Commons 2nd floor), on Saturday, February 10, for our annual Hillsmere membership day.  Stop by between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm to renew memberships, pick up car and trailer stickers, purchase boat ramp keys, pay for slip rentals, dinghy rack rentals, boat park storage, and pool membership and learn more about the HSIA.  Many board members and chairs will be available to answer questions.  You can also learn more about other Hillsmere clubs and committees.  

Please remember that Come And Get It Day closes promptly at 2:00 pm. 

Can’t make it to Come And Get It Day?  Please follow the instructions in the January/February 2018 Sea Breeze and send payment by mail.

HSIA 2018 Membership Form

2018 Hillsmere Shores Pool Membership Form