Operation Clearwater – Water Quality Report as of 8/26/20


There is only one week left of sampling.

All sites had low bacteria levels except Southaven on the South River. It rained briefly Thursday evening and is forecasted to rain on Saturday, so we predict increased bacteria levels afterwards. Anne Arundel County has a 48 hour no swimming guidance of water ways after a rain event. Rain washes pollutants from the surrounding watershed into the waterways and may increase bacteria levels of the water.

On Wednesday, August 26th, Arundel Rivers Federation volunteers collected water samples at the locations listed on the chart. All samples were analyzed at a local laboratory. The acceptable concentration of Enterococci bacteria for swimming and other direct water contact is less than 104 (cfu) colony forming units/100ml.

Have a safe and fun weekend,
Jesse Iliff, South, West and Rhode Riverkeeper

Operation Clearwater – Water Quality Report as of 8/19

It rained early Wednesday morning as volunteers started to collect water samples. Shoreham Beach, which historically has low bacteria readings experienced a significant spike. Glen Isle and Harbor Hills also had high bacteria levels. It is forecasted to rain on Saturday, so we predict increased bacteria levels afterwards. Anne Arundel County has a 48 hour no swimming guidance of water ways after a rain event. Rain washes pollutants from the surrounding watershed into the waterways and may increase bacteria levels of the water.

On Wednesday, August 19th, Arundel Rivers Federation volunteers collected water samples at the locations listed on the chart. All samples were analyzed at a local laboratory. The acceptable concentration of Enterococci bacteria for swimming and other direct water contact is less than 104 (cfu) colony forming units/100ml.

Have a safe and fun weekend,

Jesse Iliff, South, West and Rhode Riverkeeper

Water Quality Report as of 7/22/20


Unfortunately, none of our sampling sites were within the acceptable levels for recreational water activities. We are investigating the high readings. All samples were analyzed by a local laboratory.

Additionally, please keep in mind that rain is predicted this weekend. Rain washes pollutants from the surrounding watershed into the waterways and may increase bacteria levels of the water.

Anne Arundel County has a 48 hour no swimming guidance of water ways after a rain event.

On Wednesday, July 22nd, Arundel Rivers Federation staff collected water samples at the locations listed on the chart. Feces from geese and dogs, as well as leaky septic tanks are the top contributors to high bacteria results.

The acceptable concentration of Enterococci bacteria for swimming and other direct water contact is less than 104 (cfu) colony forming units/100ml.

Have a safe and wonderful weekend,

Jesse Iliff, South, West and Rhode Riverkeeper

ARF Water Quality Alert – No Swimming Advisory as of 7/8/20

Hello Neighbors,

Some of you will have seen the high levels of bacteria at the beach and marina found by Arundel Rivers Federation over the past few weeks. HSIA is posting no swimming advisories until we observe these levels going down, which is smart. If there are more than 104 colony-forming-units per 100mL of water, EPA considers that unsafe for swimming. On Wednesday, July 8, the marina had levels ten times that.

I want you all to know that Arundel Rivers Federation is actively investigating the source of this pollution, and will keep you all apprised of what is learned. In the meanwhile, our primary suspect for the beach is geese and other waterfowl which have been assembling there. Please do not feed these animals–that only makes them defecate more.

I know it can be hard to hold back a sweaty child from running into the river (trust me). But for parents of younger kids, we’ve all recently had tough conversations about disease and safety, so try to consider this setback as another opportunity to reinforce the message of making responsible choices to protect our health. Remember, backyard sprinklers are still safe!

Take care neighbors,

Jesse L. Iliff
South, West & Rhode RIVERKEEPER®
Arundel Rivers Federation, Inc.

Operation Clearwater – Water Quality Report as of 7/1/20


Nine locations exhibited were not within the acceptable levels for recreational water activities. These include Shoreham Community Beach, South Down Shores, Riva Trace, Hillsmere Beach, Hillsmere Marina, Harbor Hills, Almshouse Creek, Beverly Beach, and West River Sailing Club. All samples were analyzed by a local laboratory.

Additionally, please keep in mind that samples were collected on Wednesday, prior to heavy rain later that night. The rain washes pollutants from the surrounding watershed into the waterways and may increase bacteria levels of the water.

Anne Arundel County has a 48 hour no swimming  guidance of water ways after a rain event.  

On Wednesday, July 1st, Arundel Rivers Federation staff collected water samples at the locations listed on the chart.  Feces from geese and dogs, as well as leaky septic tanks are the top contributors to high bacteria results.

The acceptable concentration of Enterococci bacteria for swimming and other direct water contact is less than 104 (cfu) colony forming units/100ml. 

Have a safe and wonderful weekend,

Jesse Iliff,

South, West and Rhode Riverkeeper

Operation Clearwater – Water Quality Report as of 6/17/20


We took the bacteria samples after three sunny days and then it rained hard on Wednesday night. It is supposed to continue to rain for the next couple of days, so this might cause the bacteria rates to be much higher.

According to our monitoring, the algae bloom that has previously been present in all three rivers is beginning to slowly recede. The amount of dead zone seen in the previous three weeks has decreased. 

Salinity was measured as 7 parts per thousand; this allows for a great environment for jellyfish, so be on the look out.

Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!

Nancy Merrill Sullivan

Volunteer & Outreach Program Coordinator

Arundel Rivers Federation