HSIA Notice of Meeting – P&H 7/13




The July 2021 P&H Committee Meeting will take place on Tuesday evening, July 13th, from 6-8 PM at the Walker Pavilion at the Hillsmere Shores Community Beach.

Topics for discussion include:

▪ Slips Committee Report.
▪ Living Shoreline at Sand Spit: Concept Plan design work.
▪ Commentary on gravel and speed bumps at the Marina.
▪ Discussion of replacing Kayak Dock at 514 Beach Drive.
▪ Update on adding/locating more kayak racks.
▪ Update on security cameras/internet service at the Marina.
▪ Update on Marina gate replacement.
▪ Duvall Creek channel markers-marine contractor needed.
▪ Beach Drive Boat Ramp tree removal-Vegetation Management Plans.
▪ Boat Park: annual bamboo removal and tree trimming; new wood

HSIA Notice of Event – Independence Day Parade

Annual Independence Day Bicycle Parade – Sunday, July 4 @ 10am
Calling kids of all ages to decorate your bicycles, scooters, wagons, etc., for the annual Hillsmere Independence Day Bicycle Parade! Meet at the Key School gazebo by 10 AM on Sunday, July 4. At 10 AM, the parade will head down Hillsmere Drive to the beach for treats and social hour @ the small pavilion.

PLEASE allow bicycles right of way if you are driving along Hillsmere Drive during the parade.

A huge Thank You to Hillsmere volunteer, Stacie May, for leading the charge on this event! We are excited to be out and about with our neighbors again!

SCBD Pool Benefit Dates – Summer 2021

Hillsmere Residents:

Admission to, or use of, the pool facilities will be granted to any Hillsmere property owner consistent with the expenditure of Special Community Benefit District funds for the maintenance, repair, and/or renovation of the pool facility.

The pool will be open to all Hillsmere property owners, regardless of pool membership status, free of charge, on the last Tuesday of each month for the 2021 season:

Tuesday 6/29

Tuesday 7/27

Tuesday 8/31

HSIA Special Notice from DPW – Yard Waste Collection

We wanted to apologize for the delays your community is experiencing with curbside collection. The hauler servicing your area has severe shortages in staffing and has been unable to complete all three pickups (trash, recycling, yard waste) on your collection day.

In order to correct this, yard waste collection will now occur on Wednesdays until further notice. Your trash and recycling will continue to be collected on your normal collection day.

Please forward this email message along with the attached letter from Christopher Phipps, Director of Anne Arundel County’s Department of Public Works, to your community members. The letter provides additional information regarding this service change.

Additionally, an online search tool is available to help with confirming the addresses that are impacted. Please visit: https://www.aacounty.org/departments/public-works/waste-management/curbside-collection-day-change-for-yard-waste/index.html

Our County Recycling Centers are always available as an option to dispose of your yard waste. For more information, including hours of operation and locations, visit: https://www.aacounty.org/departments/public-works/waste-management/recycling-centers/

Please note: Due to the July 4th holiday being observed on Monday July 5th, causing collections to slide one day for Monday and Tuesday customers, curbside yard waste collection will not occur on Wednesday, July 7th. Your yard waste collection will resume on Wednesday, July 14th.

Thanks for your help in distributing this information throughout your community and again, we apologize for the inconvenience.

As always, let us know if you have any questions or feedback.

Be safe, stay well.

Richard Bowen
Program Manager, Recycling & Waste Reduction Division
DPW – Waste Management Services

Be a part of the conversation on Facebook. www.facebook.com/annearundelrecycling

Recreational Water Quality Report as of 6/2/21


With good weather early in the week, all of our sites had bacteria levels that were well within acceptable levels for recreational water activities. The samples are analyzed by Home Land Labs. Please keep in mind that samples were collected on Wednesday, prior to Thursday night’s rain. The precipitation washes pollutants from the surrounding watershed into the waterways and may increase bacteria levels of the water.

Anne Arundel County has a 48 hour no swimming/recreational guidance of water ways after a rain event.

On Wednesday, June 2nd, Arundel Rivers Federation volunteers collected water samples at the locations listed on the chart. Feces from geese and dogs, as well as leaky septic tanks are the top contributors to high bacteria results. The acceptable concentration of Enterococci bacteria for swimming and other direct water contact is less than 104 (cfu) colony forming units/100ml.

Have a safe and fun weekend,
Jesse Iliff
South, West and Rhode Riverkeeper