Post Archives

HSIA Notice of Survey – Community Center Survey

Hello Hillsmere:

As most of you know, our community has had numerous meetings and discussions about the possibility of a Community Center. The HSIA Board approved funds for the Community Center Committee (CCC) to hire an architect and engineer to give us an idea of what could be built, where it could be built, and the cost of building. The HSIA Board feels that, with this information now available to the community, it is a good idea to survey the community a second time.

The new survey, created by the HSIA Board, is straight forward, direct, and contains the basic facts and history of the project. In addition to being available online, the survey was published in the June 2017 edition of the Sea Breeze and mailed to all property owners via postal mail.

Responses must be submitted or postmarked no later than July 27, 2017. Each lot owner is entitled to one survey response.

Please help us out by responding.

Hillsmere Shores Community Center Survey

Mike Penn, HSIA President

Reminder: HSIA Special General Meeting, 4/20 @ 7p

Reminder: HSIA Special General Meeting Notice

HSIA will hold a Special General Meeting on Thursday, April 20th at 7 PM in Key School’s Katharine Hall.

This meeting is being held for to allow additional community feedback on the Community Center Committee’s presentation from the March General Meeting.

Please come with an open mind, and remember that this is preliminary. There has not yet been a community vote on the proposed community center.

For residents unable to attend the meeting on April 20th, please complete and submit the following form prior to the meeting:

Community Center Committee Feedback Form

All questions will be read aloud and answered at the meeting (as time permits). Anonymous questions and comments will not be read.

Q&A notes will be compiled and published on our website as soon as possible after the meeting.

Please be patient, and remember that volunteers will be coordinating this.

Thank you.

Ice-Eater Removal Party – Saturday, April 1

ICE-EATER REMOVAL PARTY – Saturday April 1, 10 a.m. Until…

Volunteers are needed for the annual Ice-Eater Removal (Work) Party at the Marina! Please come down and help haul out, clean and store the ice-eaters that we placed around the Marina to keep the facilities ice-free. Help is needed to haul the 21 ice-eaters out of the murky depths to the two power-washers that will be on hand to clean the machines. The ice-eaters will then need their lines and power cords wrapped up, and loaded onto vehicles for storage at the community center site.

Many hands make light work! Please volunteer an hour or two of your time so we can make all the slips available for returning boats!


Marina Nautical Yard Sale – Saturday, April 22

Marina Nautical Yard Sale – Clean out your boats, garages and attics and bring your boat related treasures to the marina for our Nautical yard sale. Any nautical related item is fair game. The sale is scheduled for Saturday, April 22 from 8 am to noon. Space is on a first come-first served basis. No reservations are required. Residents are responsible for cleanup of their area. Please take home your leftovers. Don’t leave unsold items at the marina. Set up of your tables should be as much on the grassy area as you can get, we want the parking lot to be as clear as it can be. If you have any questions, please email Donna Shuman at [email protected] or call the voice mail at 410-263-4456.