Notice of Change to Marina Rules & Regulations Concerning Late Payment of Slip Fees
The HSIA Board of Directors has approved a change to the Marina Rules and Regulations, effective February 1, 2017, concerning incentives/penalties for late payment of slip fees. Revised Rule 5.3 now reads as follows:
5.3.1 Slip holders may receive a discount, if any, set annually by the HSIA Board, if fees are paid in full, with all required documentation, within 15 days of the date of the invoice.
5.3.2 Slips holders may be subject to a late payment penalty, if any, set annually by the HSIA Board, if fees are not paid in full by March 1, or other payment terms have not been arranged with the Chairperson of Piers & Harbors.
Section 5.3.1 was already a part of the Marina Rules and Regulations. Section 5.3.2 is new, and provides for a late payment penalty if slip fees are not paid by March 1, or other payment terms have not been arranged.
For Calendar Year 2017 the HSIA Board approved a late payment penalty of $50.
The purpose of the late payment penalty is to encourage current slip holders to either pay their slip fees by March 1 or make arrangements for other payment terms with the Chair of P&H by March 1. While most of the 124 slip holders do make timely payment, every year about two-dozen or so slip holders forget to pay or put off payment for some reason. That means the Slips Committee cannot know with certainty which slips will continue to be occupied and which slips will be vacant and available to those on the Slips Waiting List. Extraordinary amounts of time and effort are expended trying to track down the late-payers and determine their intentions. That delays the work of the Slips Committee in re-assigning vacant slips to existing slip holders and to those on the Slips Waiting List.
Slip Holders: please make your Slip Fee payment by March 1, 2017, or if you need to arrange different payment terms contact Steve Vanderbosch at: [email protected]