HSIA Job Announcement – Property Manager

HSIA is seeking a Property Manager. Duties would include:

  • Communication, to include interfacing with Board members, Committee Chairs, HSIA Administrator, Webmaster and Newsletter Editor; reporting on existing and newly established projects; communication forum with the neighborhood through the newsletter and HSIA email.
  • Contracts – lead the coordination of existing maintenance contracts, establish new contracts based on Board defined objectives and oversee miscellaneous property management initiatives.
  • Special Project Management and Construction – assist in the management and construction of Special Projects
  • Neighborhood Monitoring – continuously monitor our neighborhood for deviations and irregularities to current HSIA Guidelines, Rules & Regulations. This will include monitoring of approved building permits and reporting of any non-approved building activities.
  • Please click the following link to see a full job description of the HSIA Property Manager

HSIA Property Manager Job Description

Applicants can send their resume by email to admin@hillsmereshores.org or by postal mail to HSIA, P.O. Box 3485, Annapolis, MD 21403 by no later than April 30, 2023