Recreational Water Quality as of 6/22/22

All sites this week remained within the acceptable range! The acceptable concentration of Enterococci bacteria for swimming and other direct water contact is less than 104 (cfu) colony forming units/100ml.  However, with the precipitation that occurred yesterday, communities should be mindful that Anne Arundel County has a 48 hour no swimming/recreational guidance of water ways after a rain event.

Precipitation events wash pollutants from the surrounding watershed into the waterways and may increase bacteria levels of the water. Feces from geese and dogs, as well as leaky septic tanks are the top contributors to high bacteria results.

The samples are collected by Arundel Rivers volunteers and analyzed by Dr. Tammy Domanski’s Lab at the Anne Arundel Community College.

Recreational Water Quality as of 6/15/22

The acceptable concentration of Enterococci bacteria for swimming and other direct water contact is less than 104 (cfu) colony forming units/100ml.Anne Arundel County has a 48 hour no swimming/recreational guidance of water ways after a rain event. Precipitation events wash pollutants from the surrounding watershed into the waterways and may increase bacteria levels of the water. Feces from geese and dogs, as well as leaky septic tanks are the top contributors to high bacteria results.The samples are collected by Arundel Rivers volunteers and analyzed by Dr. Tammy Domanski’s Lab at the Anne Arundel Community College.

Recreational Water Quality as of 6/8/22

The acceptable concentration of Enterococci bacteria for swimming and other direct water contact is less than 104 (cfu) colony forming units/100ml.

Anne Arundel County has a 48 hour no swimming/recreational guidance of water ways after a rain event. Precipitation events wash pollutants from the surrounding watershed into the waterways and may increase bacteria levels of the water. Feces from geese and dogs, as well as leaky septic tanks are the top contributors to high bacteria results.

The samples are collected by Arundel Rivers volunteers and analyzed by Dr. Tammy Domanski’s Lab at the Anne Arundel Community College.

Recreational Water Quality as of 6/1/22

All sample sites had acceptable bacteria levels for recreational water activities. However, please keep in mind that samples were collected on Wednesday, June 1 and therefore the results do not account for the major rain event on Thursday evening.  Precipitation events wash pollutants from the surrounding watershed into the waterways and may increase bacteria levels of the water. 

The acceptable concentration of Enterococci bacteria for swimming and other direct water contact is less than 104 (cfu) colony forming units/100ml.  

Anne Arundel County has a 48 hour no swimming/recreational guidance of water ways after a rain event.  Feces from geese and dogs, as well as leaky septic tanks are the top contributors to high bacteria results.

The samples are collected by Arundel Rivers volunteers and analyzed by Dr. Tammy Domanski’s Lab at the Anne Arundel Community College. 

Leash Law Reminder & Reporting

This is a friendly reminder that all dogs/cats out on walks, running, playing, etc., must be on a leash at all times in the community. This law applies at the marina, the pool grounds and surrounding open field, as well as the streets in the neighborhood. The Anne Arundel County Law is copied below for reference.

Penalty for Violation: Anyone violating sections of Article 12 may be subject to fines not less than $50.00 and up to $1,000.00.

§ 12-4-905. Animals running at large prohibited.

(a) Scope. This section does not apply to an ear tipped community cat.

(b) Prohibition. A domesticated animal may not be at large. An owner of an animal at large is in violation of this section.

(c) Reporting. A person who is aware of an animal running at large shall report the condition to the Agency by telephone.

(d) Pursuit. An Agency officer or an authorized representative of the Agency may pursue an animal running at large on public property or on the exterior premises of private property.

(e) Exceptions. An animal is not at large for the purposes of this section if: (1) the animal is actively engaged in search and rescue operation training or the sport of hunting or other legal dog sport or competition in authorized areas while supervised by a competent individual; (2) the animal is undergoing supervised training as part of an organized obedience class and the owner of the animal is in possession of written permission to engage in the training on the property from the landowner or the landowner’s agent or lessee; (3) a dog is in a dog exercise area designated by the Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks as an “off-leash dog park” and is under the supervision of the dog’s owner; or (4) a dog is in a secured dog exercise area designated by the property owner, homeowner’s association, condominium, or cooperative as an “off-leash dog park.”

(f) Exclusions. For the purposes of this section the common area of a homeowner’s association, condominium, or cooperative is not the owner’s property.

The Anne Arundel County Animal Control suggests 2 ways to report animals unleashed or repeat offenders:

1. Call 410-222-8900

2. Fill out an Affidavit Complaint Form

Hillsmere Watershed Steward Planting Opportunity – Sunday, May 1

Join us for a positive, productive opportunity to make an environmental difference in Hillsmere. As part of the Watershed Steward Academy, we will be planting native grasses and herbaceous plants at 609 Beach Dr., the location of one of Hillsmere’s boat ramps. These plants will help absorb stormwater, demonstrate alternatives to lawn, benefit pollinators and add beauty.

Choose a 9:00AM or 10:00AM time slot. Parking is limited, so if possible, walk or ride your bike. We could make our fellow residents on Beach Dr. happy by not cluttering the street with cars. Why not reduce emissions and get some exercise at the same time!

Please RSVP to [email protected]

See you on May 1st
Phyllis Saroff, WSA Candidate, Class 13