FY2019 Proposed Budgets Available for Review

Hillsmere Property Owners,

The proposed FY2019 budgets for the Special Community Benefit District (SCBD), HSIA General Fund, Pool, and Piers & Harbors are available for your review. These proposed, draft budgets will be presented to the community at the November 9th General Membership meeting.

Hillsmere Shores FY2019-Proposed Special Tax Budget

General Operating Fund Budget FY2019

HSIA Pool – Proposed Budget FY2019

HSIA P&H Draft Proposed FY2019 Budget


Board of Directors Ballot & Voting Instructions


Election will take place at the November 9, 2017, 7 pm HSIA General Membership Meeting at Key School Katharine Hall. Only HSIA members in good standing may vote.  One vote per membership. Candidate bios are available in the October 2017 Sea Breeze.

Vote By Mail:  If you are unable to attend the November 9th HSIA General Meeting, please complete the following steps to submit your vote by mail:

  1. Tear the ballot out of the Sea Breeze or download a copy by clicking the link provided below.
  2. Fill out the election ballot (vote for no more than seven candidates).
  3. You must include your name, address, date and signature in the space provided on the ballot.
  4. Mail the signed ballot to HSIA, P.O. Box 3485, Annapolis, MD 21403. Be sure to note “Ballot” on the envelope.  You may also have someone drop off your completed, signed ballot at the General Meeting.

Vote in Person:  Please note:  If you are voting in person, there is no need to provide your name, address, date and signature on the ballot.

  1. Tear the ballot out of the Sea Breeze, or download a copy by clicking the link provided below, or pick up a ballot at the meeting.
  2. Have your ballot validated upon arrival at the meeting. You DO NOT need to mark your selections before your ballot is validated.  Candidates will be introduced and have a chance to speak.
  3. Drop ballots in the ballot box before voting is closed.

Print a Ballot

Print Voting Instructions


Reminder – Dumpster Days 10/27-28

Dumpster Days are scheduled for our community on Friday and Saturday, October 27 and 28. The dumpsters will be located adjacent to the community pool. The dumpsters will be delivered by noon on Friday, October 27 and removed by noon on Saturday, October 28.


Please refer to the October 2017 Sea Breeze for important Dumpster Days information, including a traffic flow map.

Reminder – Meet the Candidates for HSIA Board this Thursday, 10/19 @ 7P

Hillsmere Residents-

Please come join us on Thursday, October 19, 7pm at Key School Katharine Hall (same location as general meetings), to meet the candidates running for the HSIA Board. We have 11 residents running for HSIA Board positions for 2018-2019. The candidates will be introduced and have the opportunity to speak briefly to the community.  Candidate bios were printed in the October issue of the Sea Breeze.

A ballot will be printed in the November Sea Breeze. Please come learn about the residents that are willing to give of their time to make our community the best it can be!

County Proposed Stormwater Management System

Hillsmere Residents-

Anne Arundel County’s Department of Public Works, Watershed Protection & Restoration division has identified Hillsmere Shores Improvement Association (HSIA) pool property as an ideal candidate for retrofit and expansion of the current best management practices (BMPs).

This proposed project will be 100% County-funded. Hillsmere residents will be able to vote on the proposed project at the September 14th General meeting. Visit the link below for project background, details, and maps.

Please note, the proposed area will be staked off on September 9th, to give residents a better idea of the scope of the proposed project.

View AACounty DPW Hillsmere Bioretention Project page