Hillsmere Pool 2020 Season – COVID-19 related FAQ as of 6/9/20

Hillsmere Pool 2020 – COVID-19 Related FAQs as of 6/9/2020

When will the pool open? We hope sometime around 6/20
• Can I still sign up? Yes, all forms must be postmarked by 6/30
• Can I get a refund for the season? Yes, refunds will be honored through the first week of pool opening. If you request a refund, you cannot sign up later (before deadline expires).
• How many people will be permitted in the pool enclosure at a time? 100
• Can we bring guests? No. Due to lowered number of people at a time, we will not allow guests. If number restrictions lessen later in the season, this could be revised.
• Will the wading pool open? No, at this time restrictions will not allow it to open. That may change during the season.
• Will children with swim diapers be allowed in the main pool? Yes. All children who are not potty trained will be required to wear a fitted swim diaper in the main pool. They will have to be held by parent/guardian – not sitting in floats, etc. We are hopeful that this will work with very few issues. However, if accidents occur, we
may have to limit time of day.
• Will we have to sign up for spots? No, we are moving from a traditional card system to an online system so it will help us track numbers and hopefully will not require any type of sign up.
• Since the season is shortened will we receive a refund? We hope so! Anchor fees are due in full now despite the delayed opening. Towards the end of the season, they will provide us a credit for time that the pool was closed for guard/staff hours. We plan to issue credits to members proportionately.
• Will there be parties? No. Due to limits on members at a time and no guests, Anchor has requested that we not have parties this season.
• Will we be required to wear a mask? Definitely not while in the water. However, current guidelines recommend that you need to wear a mask when in close proximity to others. Guards are required to wear them when in contact with members.
• How will the facility be cleaned to reduce the risk of COVID-19? Guards will have to sanitize the pool enclosure 2x per day. There may be time mid-day, when we are asked to leave the enclosure to allow for cleaning. This is schedule is still being developed. There are other strict guidelines that Anchor will have to adhere to. Additionally, there will be wipes and sanitizer available on-site for members to use.
• I heard the pool furniture will be removed to help reduce the need for cleaning and aid with social distancing, is this true? Mostly yes. We plan to have umbrellas out throughout the enclosure for people to use. We plan to have some seating for those who aren’t able to carry in/out their own chairs, sit on the grass, etc. – such as seniors, pregnant mothers, handicapped patrons, etc. All other members should plan to bring a chair to sit in or a towel to place on grass, etc.
• How will you all maintain that everyone keeps 6ft apart? That’s where we need your help! We need you to talk to your kids (big and small) and explain how this is not a normal season. Don’t share toys with friends, keep your space from others, wipe down surfaces after you use them, etc. We will have marked areas in the grassy area to help with distancing.
• Can we extend the season beyond Labor Day since the pool opened late? This is always a possibility but is dependent upon staff by Anchor Aquatics.
• What will the pool hours be? We are hopeful the hours will not differ from year’s past. The standard hours Saturday – Thursday 11am – 8pm. Friday’s 11-9pm.
• How can I find out about any new rules, information concerning this season? Please check on our Facebook page for updates. Sometimes we will send out emails, but those are less frequent.

Operation Clearwater – Water Quality as of 6/3/20


All the beaches exhibited bacteria levels that were well within acceptable levels for recreational water activities.

However, please keep in mind that samples were collected on Wednesday, prior to Thursday’s heavy rain and bacteria rates may be higher than displayed. The rain washes pollutants from the surrounding watershed into the waterways and may increase bacteria levels of the water.

Anne Arundel County has a 48 hour no swimming guidance of water ways after a rain event.

On Wednesday, June 3rd, Arundel Rivers Federation staff collected water samples at the locations listed on the chart. Feces from geese and dogs, as well as leaky septic tanks are the top contributors to high bacteria results.

The acceptable concentration of Enterococci bacteria for swimming and other direct water contact is less than 104 (cfu) colony forming units/100ml.

Have a safe and wonderful weekend,
Jesse Iliff, South, West and Rhode Riverkeeper

HSIA Piers & Harbors Special Notice – Sunset Drive Boat Ramp – Temporary Closure June 10-12


The Sunset Drive Boat Ramp will be temporarily closed Wednesday June 10th through Friday June 12th for resurfacing.

The Boat Ramp will re-open Saturday June 13th.

The closure is necessary for the final task remaining under the contract for the Sunset Drive Boat Ramp reconstruction – sealing cracks and resurfacing the parking lot. The contractor will be making preparations on Monday and Tuesday, June 8th and 9th, so although the ramp will remain open then, parking may be limited due to the contractor’s activity.

The Beach Drive Boat Ramp, at 609 Beach Drive remains open and available.

Of course, this work is weather-dependent, and the schedule may change. Changes, if any, will be posted.

HSIA Special Notice – 2020 Pool Season

Hillsmere Residents –

The pool will open in a few weeks! Just a couple of days ago, it appeared the pool would stay closed this Summer. That all changed when Governor Hogan issued order 20-05-27-01 allowing outdoor swimming pools to open.

At this time, due to both State and Anne Arundel County restrictions and/or guidelines related to COVID-19 and swimming pools, the pool will be required to make changes to its normal operating procedures. The Pool Committee is actively reviewing this information as it is being released by both the State and Anne Arundel County. Once the operating procedures are clarified and also reviewed with our pool management group, Anchor Aquatics, we will then be able to send out what the revised operations procedures will be for this season.

Danielle Franz and the rest of the Pool Committee recognize that not everyone will be comfortable going to the pool. If you wish to have your pool fees reimbursed please leave a voice message at 410-263-4456 or send a message to [email protected]. For administrative purposes, it would be best to process reimbursements a few days before we open. Unfortunately, we do not know when that will be, so please make your request early.

There is a stunning amount of stuff that needs to be done before we open. If you have the time and interest, please reach out to Danielle to volunteer [email protected]. Many of the physical jobs can be done in isolation, while almost all the coordination is done online.

Thank you to everyone for your patience and understanding. Danielle and I appreciate the many supportive notes and calls we received over the past ten weeks.

I wish everyone the best. Your HSIA volunteers will keep you updated via email broadcasts like this and the monthly Sea Breeze. Please continue to do your part to exercise kindness and respect to minimize the spread of this deadly disease.

Warmest Regards,
Michael J. Waters, HSIA President


Anne Arundel County Dept of Health opens beaches

Hillsmere Residents –

Please be aware of the following announcement from Anne Arundel county Department of Health. Please keep in mind that the playground and all playground equipment remains closed/off limits. Click the link provided below if you would like to subscribe to the Anne Arundel County Department of Health, Water Quality Email Alert System. As a subscriber you will receive notification on County recreational waterway advisories, closures and updates.

May 29, 2020
Effective May 29 at 5:00 p.m. — Swimming at county and community beaches is no longer prohibited. Swimmers are advised that no routine bacteria testing has been conducted. Swimmers swim at their own risk until water quality monitoring resumes in a couple of weeks.

After rainfall, all Anne Arundel County beaches are under a no swimming and no direct water contact advisory for 48 hours due to predicted elevated bacteria levels. Do not swim until 48 hours after rainfall or until the water clears.


Operation Clearwater – Water Quality as of 5/20/20

Hello and Welcome to Operation Clearwater!

Memorial Day weekend is off to a great start! All beaches exhibited bacteria levels that were well within acceptable levels for recreational water activities. This year we are having the samples analyzed by a local laboratory.

However, please keep in mind that samples were collected on Wednesday, prior to Thursday night’s rain. The precipitation washes pollutants from the surrounding watershed into the waterways and may increase bacteria levels of the water.

Anne Arundel County has a 48 hour no swimming recreational guidance of water ways after a rain event.

On Wednesday, May 20th, Arundel Rivers Federation staff collected water samples at the locations listed on the chart. Feces from geese and dogs, as well as leaky septic tanks are the top contributors to high bacteria results.

The acceptable concentration of Enterococci bacteria for swimming and other direct water contact is less than 104 (cfu) colony forming units/100ml.

Have a safe and wonderful weekend,

Jesse Iliff, South, West and Rhode Riverkeeper