Hillsmere Residents:
Are you looking for a way to become more involved in what happens in our neighborhood? We are seeking candidates to serve a two-year term for the HSIA Board of Directors.
These leadership positions are critical in moving our community forward. Please consider running. Please submit your intent to run for office, your statement of qualifications (bio), and what you hope to help bring about during your two-year term, if elected. Please email this information no later than Sunday, September 10 so that it can be included in the October Sea Breeze, along with an election ballot. Your intent to run and bio should be emailed to Kate Brew, Chair of the Nomination Committee, at [email protected], and should also include a statement that you are a current member of HSIA.
The election will be held at the November 9th General Meeting. The slate of nominees will be published in the October and November issues of the Sea Breeze, and available on our community website. Ballots will be included in the November newsletter, available online, and available at the November 9th meeting.