HSIA Special Notice re: Beach Playground Closure

Hello Hillsmere,

Despite rumors, the Hillsmere playground remains closed. Governor Hogan’s latest order does not open playgrounds. It transfers the decision to the Counties’ Department of Health. County Executive Pittman makes clear that playgrounds remain closed until “Anne Arundel County Department of Health deems them safe for use.”


Though it is sad and difficult to restrict children’s play, please help. 1,053 new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in Maryland on Mother’s Day. As of this morning, 32,587 Marylanders have been identified with COVID-19: 5.04% have died and 6.91% have recovered.


I wish everyone the best. Your HSIA volunteers will keep you updated via email broadcasts and the monthly Sea Breeze. Please take this situation seriously and do your part to exercise kindness and respect to minimize the spread of this deadly disease.

Mike Waters, President
Hillsmere Shores Improvement Association
[email protected]
Post Office Box 3485
Annapolis, Maryland 21403
Office: 410.280.8677
Mobile: 410.280.8674
Fax: 410.280.8682