Hillsmere Residents –
The pool will open in a few weeks! Just a couple of days ago, it appeared the pool would stay closed this Summer. That all changed when Governor Hogan issued order 20-05-27-01 allowing outdoor swimming pools to open.
At this time, due to both State and Anne Arundel County restrictions and/or guidelines related to COVID-19 and swimming pools, the pool will be required to make changes to its normal operating procedures. The Pool Committee is actively reviewing this information as it is being released by both the State and Anne Arundel County. Once the operating procedures are clarified and also reviewed with our pool management group, Anchor Aquatics, we will then be able to send out what the revised operations procedures will be for this season.
Danielle Franz and the rest of the Pool Committee recognize that not everyone will be comfortable going to the pool. If you wish to have your pool fees reimbursed please leave a voice message at 410-263-4456 or send a message to [email protected]. For administrative purposes, it would be best to process reimbursements a few days before we open. Unfortunately, we do not know when that will be, so please make your request early.
There is a stunning amount of stuff that needs to be done before we open. If you have the time and interest, please reach out to Danielle to volunteer [email protected]. Many of the physical jobs can be done in isolation, while almost all the coordination is done online.
Thank you to everyone for your patience and understanding. Danielle and I appreciate the many supportive notes and calls we received over the past ten weeks.
I wish everyone the best. Your HSIA volunteers will keep you updated via email broadcasts like this and the monthly Sea Breeze. Please continue to do your part to exercise kindness and respect to minimize the spread of this deadly disease.
Warmest Regards,
Michael J. Waters, HSIA President