Regular surveillance and control of adult mosquitoes will take place from May 26 to October 5, anytime between 7:00 pm to 2:30 am, Sunday through Thursday nights.
Hillsmere’s assigned spray night is MONDAY. Spraying will only ever occur on MONDAYS.
Spraying for adult mosquitoes will be performed only if a Maryland Department of Agriculture Employee determines it necessary. Note: In the event of an unscheduled spray, the department will issue public notice. All notices will be posted on the MDA website and on Twitter @MdAgMosquito. The department also maintains a Mosquito Spray Alert Hotline: 410-841-5737. In the event of a disease-related unscheduled spraying, any existing spray exemptions in the effected areas will be temporarily suspended.
Spraying will not be conducted during rain, in wind speeds exceeding 12 mph, or temperatures above 89 degrees F.
Most residents support this program; however, if you prefer to opt-out of spraying at your property, you can elect to not participate. Please use this link to visit the MDA’s site for exemption forms and detailed information on the Mosquito Control program.