Garden Club

The Hillsmere Garden Club meets on the the 3rd Wednesday of each month, September through June. The majority of our meetings are held at the Eastport-Annapolis Neck library at 12:30 p.m. Meetings typically start off with refreshments and socializing, with business and a presentation or program beginning at 1 p.m. Please bring your own mug to the meetings and help us “leave no trace”!


Meetings are open to the public, and membership is open to all interested women and men. You do not need to be a resident of Hillsmere to join. Annual dues are $30. For questions or additional information, please contact the group at [email protected].


Meetings are announced in the Capital-Gazette newspaper, the Sea Breeze, and on the message board at the entrance of our community. Please note, in the event of inclement weather, we follow AACPS closure advisories. If AACPS are closed or dismissed early, we do not meet. If there is a 2-hour delayed start time for AACPS, we meet at our regularly scheduled time. Visit AACPS for weather-related announcements.


Our activities center on education and community service. Guest speakers lecture on a wide variety of topics, from bee-keeping and native plants, to rain gardens and landscaping. There are hands-on workshops and field trips each year. Examples of prior years activities:


  • Spring Picnic

  • Individual and group projects to provide Holiday and May Day arrangements for the entrances to the Hillsmere community, Eastport-Annapolis Neck Library and Quiet Waters Park

  • Individual and group projects in historic Annapolis areas

  • December luncheon

University of Maryland’s Environmental & Natural Resources Programs